From the President

Welcome to iTEE University’s 2024 course catalog. I hope you will find the information here both encouraging and helpful to your journey of becoming a multiplying disciple-maker. iTEE University exists to serve Christian leaders building up the body of Christ by bringing the life-giving message of Jesus to communities across the world. The faculty, staff, and I praise God for the opportunity to equip leaders seeking Bible and ministry education.

In the following pages, you will find details about the programs, policies, courses, and other valuable information. These will help determine if iTEE University is a good fit for you. I hope this catalog brings you excitement as you begin studying the word of God more deeply, adopt new attitudes and values that are key to successful ministry, and gain new ministry skills to apply to your local ministry environment.

iTEE University was founded to offer quality education to leaders at various stages of their educational journey. We designed it to deliver Bible and Ministry education globally, especially in areas underserved by existing theological training institutions. Our team works hard to make Biblical education affordable for all leaders. iTEE University serves students by making education available online and face-to-face in local areas.

ITEE University trains pastors, assistant pastors, elders, deacons and deaconesses, small group leaders, youth leaders, women’s ministry leaders, evangelists, church planters, children’s

ministry workers, and all other Christian leaders ministering to the body of Christ in the church and in the marketplace. If you wish to begin your journey to become equipped as an approved workman of God, correctly handling the scriptures (2 Timothy 2:15), go to iTEE.University/admissions.

Not only does iTEE University serve students directly, but we also serve partner organizations. Our partners may access all courses in any language available (printed and online), use our technological platform to deliver education, receive training to manage the platform internally, get support to create local training capacity branded under the partner’s name and receive teacher training and help for the duration of the partnership. This is delivered to our partners at a fraction of the cost.

If your organization, church, Bible school, Bible college, or Seminary would like to explore partnering with iTEE University, please go to the partnership section on the website:
iTEE.University/partners. There you will find an economical way to expand your capacity and extend flexible, high-quality discipleship and biblical training to your students. Fill out the simple signup form to request a ZOOM video conference call with one of our partner support teams. We would find it a privilege and honor to serve you.

Dr. George J Law
President, iTEE University

What we’re About

And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.

— 2 Timothy 2:2 (NIV)

Our Vision

Worldwide, self-sustaining training movements that biblically equip church leaders

Our Mission

Bring relationally-driven biblical ministry education to church leaders lacking access to it

Our Passion

Make disciples who become disciple-makers

Acknowledgment of our Partners

ITEE University could not exist without our partners. Most of our course content comes from other organizations. The Timothy Initiative has supplied most of the courses for our Certificate in Ministry program. Materials for the Diploma in Ministry and Associate of Arts in Ministry programs mostly come from four organizations: BEE World, Third Millennium Ministries, Shepherds Global, and Trinity Video Seminary. Other courses have come from Source of Light Ministries and independent writers. Our contribution to Christian leadership training is developing online, interactive learning with sustained mentoring of students by course facilitators.

We believe that as a Christian educational organization, we best reflect the kingdom of God by working together, sharing resources, and cooperating with sister organizations in their endeavors. We are thankful for these ministry partners.


In 1979, fifteen mission organizations met in Vienna, Austria, to address the critical need for leadership training in countries with restricted access. It was at that meeting that Biblical Education by Extension, hereafter BEE, was founded. The ITEE University founder became one of the leaders at the meeting. He later served as a founding board member. For eight years, he served at BEE. It became a successful distance education program and met the needs of thousands of leaders over the next 44 years.

The focus on multiplication, teachers going to the students, facilitated learning, dialogue education, and group learning are concepts that endured and permeated iTEE University today, even as technology has changed drastically.

Online education integrates well with Jesus’ principles of developing leaders and offers tremendous advantages regarding global accessibility and cost.

iTEE University was born out of a group of leaders with extensive international ministry experience who had a passion for online ministry training.It was launched in May 2019. By integrating the online curriculum of several Christian publishers, along with new training approaches, discipleship principles, and proven educational resources, iTEE University addresses the global challenge of training leaders.

It is an associate member of the Asia Theological Association seeking full accreditation. It is also pursuing certification and accreditation with other accrediting and certification agencies focused on other parts of the world.


Academic Calendar

Term 1
Second Monday of each January.

Term 2
Second Monday of each May.

Term 3
Second Monday of each September.

Each course typically takes 12 to 14 weeks, leaving students with a break between terms.