• 62 words0.3 min read

    Peter ministered to Christians in the Roman Empire who suffered for their faith in Christ. His message to them was to remain faithful to Christ […]

  • 60 words0.3 min read

    With the Gospels, God’s promise of life comes to the forefront. Written for both Jews and Gentiles, they show us the Messiah whose death brings […]

  • 0 words0 min read

    ఈ కోర్సు విద్యార్థులు నావిగేషన్, ప్రొఫైల్స్, కోర్సులు మరియు కోర్సు భాగాలు మరియు వారితో ఎలా సంభాషించాలో ప్రాథమిక అంశాలతో సహా ఐటిఇఇ విశ్వవిద్యాలయ అభ్యాస వాతావరణానికి తమను తాము ఓరియంట్ చేయడానికి అనుమతిస్తుంది.

  • 134 words0.7 min read

    Jesus commanded His disciples to, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and […]

  • 49 words0.2 min read

    The Incredible Journey is a short Bible Survey that will help you navigate your way through the Bible from cover to cover. Each book is […]

  • 0 words0 min read

    இந்த பாடத்திட்டமானது மாணவர்கள் ஐ.டி.இ.இ பல்கலைக்கழக கற்றல் சூழலுடன் அடிப்படை வழிகாட்டுதல், சுயவிவரங்கள், பாடங்கள் மேலும் பாடத்தின் உபகரணங்கள் மற்றும் அவற்றுடன் எவ்வாறு தொடர்புகொள்வது என்பதற்கான அடிப்படைகள் உள்ளிட்டவைகளை தாங்களாகவே கற்றுக்கொள்ள அனுமதிக்கிறது.

  • 51 words0.3 min read

    This course will help you to communicate God’s Word more effectively through speaking, teaching basic skills and also giving opportunities to sharpen students’ existing skills. […]

  • 128 words0.6 min read

    “Perhaps the best test of whether one is qualified to lead, is to find out whether anyone is following.” D. E. Hoste, China Inland Mission […]

  • 101 words0.5 min read

    As a Bible student, have you ever wished you could sit and learn from someone who knew Jesus in person? From someone who saw Him […]

  • 0 words0 min read

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