• 22 words0.1 min read

    This course is the Face to Face Facilitating training conducted in Lusaka, Kenya used to track attendance in the Student Information System.

  • 30 words0.2 min read

    This course will enable you to study the Scriptures diligently and effectively, with the intended result that you will love God fervently and depend on […]

  • 29 words0.1 min read

    This course allows students to orient themselves to the iTEE University learning environment, including the basics of navigation, profiles, courses and course components and how […]

  • 101 words0.5 min read

    这门课程是你们学习保罗写给加拉太和罗马人书信两门课中的第一门。你们从学习加拉太书开始因为它为学习罗马书奠定基础。在这门课中,你们将学习保罗写给加拉太人的书信。你们将研究当时的历史背景及保罗在处理初期教会问题时所持有的重要神学观念,你们将会更进一步了解使徒保罗的生活,性格和事工。当你们将书信的教导应运到当代生活及教会事工时,你们也将会获得对基督徒生活和服侍的新见解。 This course is the first of two in your study of Paul’s epistles to the Galatians and Romans. You begin with Galatians because it […]

  • 21 words0.1 min read

    This course is the Becoming a Facilitator training conducted in Mombasa, Kenya used to track attendance in the Student Information System.

  • 51 words0.3 min read

    This course will help you to communicate God’s Word more effectively through speaking, teaching basic skills and also giving opportunities to sharpen students’ existing skills. […]

  • 0 words0 min read

    இந்த பாடம் இயேசு கிறிஸ்துவுடனான உங்கள் உறவில் நீங்கள் வளரவும் மேலும் கிறிஸ்துவுடனான உறவில் மற்றவர்கள் வளர நீங்கள் உதவவும் உங்களை உருவாக்குகிறது.

  • 29 words0.1 min read

    This course allows students to orient themselves to the iTEE University learning environment, including the basics of navigation, profiles, courses and course components and how […]

  • 20 words0.1 min read

    This course is the Marriage Workshop training conducted in Mombasa, Kenya used to track attendance in the Student Information System.

  • 86 words0.4 min read

    This course is the second part of your study of Paul’s epistles to the Galatians and Romans. In this course you will study Paul’s letter […]