This course is the Online Student Orientation, Second Edition training conducted on the IBS platform used to track attendance in the Student Information System.
This course is the One To One training conducted on the IBS platform used to track attendance in the Student Information System.
This course is the Online Student Orientation, Second Edition training conducted on the IBS platform used to track attendance in the Student Information System.
This course is the Galatians, Second Edition training conducted on the IBS platform used to track attendance in the Student Information System.
This course is the Galatians, Second Edition training conducted on the IBS platform used to track attendance in the Student Information System.
Este curso proporciona una breve reseña del Antiguo Testamento, examinando los temas de reino, pactos, y canon. Muestra que el Antiguo Testamento no es una […]
Este curso enseña pautas para interpretar la Biblia. A veces los cristianos tenemos distintas opiniones acerca del significado de algún pasaje en particular, y una […]
Evangelical Christians affirm the Scriptures as God’s inerrant word, but we still disagree sometimes over the meaning of particular verses or passages, and these differences […]
本课程简要介绍了旧约,考察了王国,圣约和经典的主题。 我们将看到《旧约》不是情节,家谱和预言的随机组合。 取而代之的是,它围绕着神国度的中心主题统一起来,该神国是通过盟约管理的,并通过旧约佳能被应用到生活中。 本课程以第三千年政府部门制作,小理查德·普拉特博士(Richard L. Pratt,Jr.)教授的演讲系列《旧约的王国,盟约和佳能》为基础。 This course gives a brief survey of the Old Testament, examining the themes of kingdom, covenants and canon. We […]
福音派基督教徒肯定圣经是上帝的惯用语,但有时我们仍对某些经文或段落的含义持不同意见,这些差异可能会影响我们的基督教教义和实践。 这些分歧的原因之一是,有很多不同的方法来解释圣经。 但是我们如何知道哪种解释方法最负责? 本课程将帮助回答该问题。 它基于第三千年部委制作的系列讲座“他给了我们圣经:解释的基础”。 Evangelical Christians affirm the Scriptures as God’s inerrant word, but we still disagree sometimes over the meaning of particular verses […]
The Incredible Journey is a short Bible Survey that will help you navigate your way through the Bible from cover to cover. Each book is […]
This course is the Project Nehemiah on site training in Chandigarh used to track attendance in the Student Information System.